Executive Mentor FAQ
Established in 2011, the Executive Mentor Program formally pairs students in the K-State College of Business with seasoned business professionals for career-related mentoring. Mentors and mentees commit to a six-month mentorship during which they will meet monthly to discuss the mentee’s career interests and help the student to make progress toward their career goals. Mentors provide mentees with valuable advice, serve as a sounding board, share significant experiences, and provide constructive feedback. Mentors and mentees are administratively paired based on the information the mentor and mentee share in their program profiles on WildcatLink.
Do you want more information before you commit? Contact Mallory Carpenter at ementor@k-state.edu with questions or discuss the program in more detail.
College of Business Administration
Career Development
Student Success Center
1001 Business Building
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506
Wendy Pfeifer
Program Director