Marketing Technology Certificate Programs

Why a Marketing Technology Certificate?

The Marketing Technology Certificate program gives students hands-on experience with marketing technology. Students will learn technology applications in marketing and earn industry certifications along with the necessary marketing skills needed for today’s industries. Students will develop a deep understanding of technology used by marketers and learn to optimize marketing activities.

Marketing Technology Certificate | 15 credit hours
Required Courses (9 credit hours)

MKTG 650 Digital Marketing Analysis & Strategy - Credits 3
Learn search engine marketing and automation. Get a Google industry certificate.

MKTG 540 Digital Content Strategy and Development - Credits 3
Develop content for digital marketing. Get HubSpot certificates (was Integrated Marketing Communications)

MKTG 551 Data Narratives and Visualization - Credits 3
Create stories by visualizing data for actionable results. With storytelling approaches, students learn to communicate marketing solutions from complex data using visualization techniques.

Elective Courses (choose 2)

MKTG 302 Brand Management

MKTG 480 Marketing Analytics Fundamentals

MKTG 653 Application of Marketing Analytics

SALES 450 Sales Technology

SALES 452 Customer Relationship Management

DIGME 406 Social Media

ENTRP 466 Digital Business

MC 370 Social Media Strategy & Management

MC 374 Social Media Content Development

MC 445 Digital Brand Strategy

MIS 366 Introduction to Business Analytics and Information Systems

MIS 665 Business Analytics and Data Mining

ACCTG 413 Accounting Information Systems

DEN 301 Creative Problem Solving in Engineering

ECE 241 Introduction to Computer Engineering

CIS 200 Programming Fundamentals

IMSE 441 Introduction to Analytics

ME 212 Engineering Graphics

ME 400 Computer Applications in Mechanical Engineering

ARE 310 Introduction to AutoCAD

Certificate Requirements:

Certificate can be completed by degree seeking students at Kansas State University, obtained as a credential on its own (free-standing), as a non-degree, certificate seeking student, or earned post-baccalaureate.

Students must achieve a cumulative 2.5 GPA on all courses taken to fulfill the requirements of the certificate program.


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