Investment Management Certificate Programs

Why an Investment Management Certificate?

The Certificate in Investment Management is intended for those business major whose career interests lie in the investment management industry. The required courses are designed to provide these students with the fundamentals of investment management and a broader business perspective of the investment management industry.

Investment Management Certificate | 15 Credit Hours

Required Courses (9 credit hours)

FINAN 450: Principles of Finance (3)

Study of the basic principles of finance, including discounted cash flow analysis, risk-return tradeoff, asset pricing models, and financial and real asset valuation.

FINAN 451: Intro to Integrated Investment Management (3)

The course examines various aspects of the investment management industry, business of investment management, and legal and ethical environments.

FINAN 500: Investment Management Concepts (3)

An introduction and study of the issues and skills involved in successful investment management.

Elective Course Options (6 credit hours)

ACCTG 445: Financial Statement Analysis (3)

This course will develop a student’s skills and knowledge in the analysis and interpretation of corporate financial statements and their related footnotes.

AGEC 520 - Market Fundamentals and Futures/Options Trading (3)

Attention is focused on the study of market price determination, the implications of market efficiency notions, and on actual trading of futures and options.

COMM 526 - Persuasion (3)

The study of communication as persuasion; examination of contemporary approaches to persuasion.

IMSE 530 - Engineering Economic Analysis (2) and IMSE 532 - Industrial Project Evaluation (1)

IMSE 530: Focus on decision making among competing alternatives, including replacement decisions. It includes cost estimating, time-value of money and effects of depreciation and taxation.

IMSE 532: Topics include risk/uncertainty, impact of inflation, capital rationing, multiple criteria decision making, and determining the MARR.

MATH 501 - Mathematical Foundations of Actuarial Science (3)

Introduction to calculus-based applications and models with an emphasis on applications to insurance.

SALES 300 - Fundamentals of Professional Selling (3)

Focuses on interpersonal communications between buyers and sellers, both oral and written. The mechanics and intricacies of the sales process will be explored in detail.

PFP 305 - Advanced Personal Financial Planning (3)

In-depth applications of personal and family money management principles with emphasis on credit, savings, insurance, and budgeting.

Certificate Requirements:

Certificate can be completed by degree seeking students at Kansas State University, obtained as a credential on its own (free-standing), as a non-degree, certificate seeking student, or earned post-baccalaureate.

Students must achieve a cumulative 2.5 GPA on all courses taken to fulfill the requirements of the certificate program.


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