International Business Certificate
Why a certificate in International Business?
The certificate in international business is open to all students, and it appeals to students seeking adventure, growth, and international exposure that will enhance their personal and professional development. The certificate will be awarded to students who achieve a superior level of expertise in international aspects of business.
Required Courses (9 credit hours)
ECON 681: International Trade (3)
Principles of international trade, determinants of the value of trade between any pair of countries, sources of gains from trade, main factors determining the pattern of trade, commercial policy, the political economy of trade and strategic trade policy.
MANGT 590: International Management (3)
Examination of business decision parameters and strategy in a multinational context.
MKTG 325: International Marketing (3)
This course deals with the problems and perspectives of marketing across national boundaries.
Non-Foreign Language Track (6 credit hours)
Select two (2) courses from the following list:
ECON 682 - Developmental Economics (3)
ECON 684 - International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics (3)
FINAN 643 - International Financial Management (3)
GEOG 100 - World Geography and Globalization (3)
MANGT 260 Workplace Dynamics and Organizational Culture (3)
MKTG 326 - International Business (3)
or a class approved by the Director of International Programs.
International Experience Requirement
Participate in a study abroad experience, international service learning, or international internship (at least 3 hours of relevant approved coursework as part of the experience).
Language Track (6 credit hours)
Two (2) advanced language courses (fourth level proficiency).
International Experience Requirement
Participate in a study abroad experience, international service learning, or international internship (at least 3 hours of relevant approved coursework as part of the experience).
Certificate Requirements:
Certificate can be completed by degree seeking students at Kansas State University, obtained as a credential on its own (free-standing), as a non-degree, certificate seeking student, or earned post-baccalaureate.
Students must achieve a cumulative 2.5 GPA on all courses taken to fulfill the requirements of the certificate program.
- Course pre-requisites may apply. See University Undergraduate Course Catalog for details.
- Prior permission is required from the CBA to take a class at another institution.