KSU High School Investment Competition
Welcome Teachers and Students!
Engage in the exciting world of finance and investments at K-State with the High School Investment Competition! This event provides an unparalleled chance to understand the workings of the global financial market, all while managing a virtual investment portfolio using real market data on StockTrak. Students work in teams of up to five to compete and learn about stock investing.
Scholarship prizes will be awarded as follows:
1st Place = $1,000 (per team member)
2nd Place = $750 (per team member)
3rd Place = $500 (per team member)
Maximize Net Asset Value (NAV):
- Aim to maximize the NAV of your virtual investment portfolio by the end of the challenge.
Investment Synopsis:
- Each team must document a synopsis detailing their investment strategy, rationales behind their investment decisions, and their portfolios performance during the competition.
The top teams will be invited to visit campus to learn more about Kansas State University and opportunities for aspiring business leaders.
Please email Rick Paul for registration details. Registration ends on February 14, 2025.
The High School Investment Competition and scholarship prizes are proudly sponsored by the Department of Finance at the College of Business Administration at Kansas State University.