Principled Business Case Competition

K-State Business Innovation Challenge

Hosted by the Center for Principled Business

The Center for Principled Business is proud to host the K-State Business Innovation Challenge, powered by Koch Industries.

The goal of the K-State Innovation Challenge is to encourage students to think innovatively about solutions to real-world problems. During the challenge, students will develop a proposal to improve an existing product, service, or technology. Some of the most successful innovations don’t require the development of radical new technologies. In this competition, students will be tasked with identifying an existing product in the marketplace and proposing an innovative strategic plan to sell or market the product.

Each team will have four weeks to develop a written report, summarizing the problem addressed and describing the team’s proposed solution for how it could be implemented. Based on the written reports, the top 6 teams will be selected to participate in the final live competition round to present their plan to a panel of judges comprised of business executives.

Designed to foster creativity, innovation, and teamwork, the Innovation Challenge is a unique opportunity for students to build analytical, decision-making, and communication skills to power their future careers.

Teams of 3-4 students will have a chance to win part of the $10,000 in scholarship prizes that will be awarded to top competitors.

Registration for the 2025 Challenge will open February 4 and close on Sunday, February 16 at 11:59 PM.

For questions or more information, please contact the Center for Principled Business,