Menard Family Scholars Cohort

Katie Albertson

Katie Albertson

Hometown: Stilwell, KS

Majors: Organizational Management and Pre-Law

Certificate: Business of Sports and Entertainment

About me:Choosing K-State was not a difficult decision simply because of all the advantages and connections offered to me through the College of Business. Being selected as a Menard Scholar solidified that decision because I was excited to explore all the unique opportunities that would be offered to me through the program. My favorite thing about the program is the community that was given to me. They have made the transition into college easier due to getting to know them and learning with them daily. Outside of the program, I am in Woman in Business, the University Honors Program, and Entrepreneurship Club. I also intern at a local law firm in Manhattan that has helped me grow exponentially in my pursuit of a career in Business Law. I am so excited to continue to explore my passion, make connections at K-State, and utilize all of the opportunities given to me through the Menard Family Scholars Program.”

Annia Blasi

Annia Blasi

Hometown: Wichita, KS

Major: Management/Pre-Health

About me: "The Menard Family Scholars Program instantly connected me to a group of hardworking, encouraging, and high-achieving peers and mentors. I am looking forward to all of the connections, knowledge, and experiences to come from being a Menard Scholar. I chose K-State because of its welcoming atmosphere and the immense amount of opportunities available in business and sciences here. I hope to work in business/healthcare to be a part of compassionate businesses and to improve the well-being of others. Outside of class I am involved in Greek life, running club, St. Isidore’s, work as a CNA, and am in WIB. In my free time I love to read, be outdoors, and support the Cats!”

Logan Forssberg

Logan Forssberg

Hometown: Shawnee, KS

Major: Finance

Minor: Data Analytics

About me: “I chose to major in finance because I plan to one day be a financial manager where I help clients invest and save towards retirement. As a Menard Scholar, I hope to gain invaluable leadership experience in the business world while also dealing with real-world scenarios. I cannot wait for the trips that are planned for our cohort as I know that they will be fantastic learning experiences. Along with being in the Menard Family Scholars Program, I am also in the Student Finance Association, Investment Club, and am on the club tennis team. In my free time, I love going to the lake, playing tennis, solving Rubik's cubes, and hanging out with friends and family. A quote I live by is 'one day or day one, you decide which one' because I really value taking initiative in order to prepare for the future. I cannot wait to see what all this program and the College of Business at K-State has in store for me!”

Tipton Francis

Tipton Francis

Hometown: Anthony, KS

Majors: Accounting and Bible Theology

Minor: Financial Planning

Certificate: Data Analytics

About me: “Throughout my life I have always been blessed with many opportunities, and I believe that the Menard Family Scholars Program is one of those. Being involved in the program provides many exciting opportunities to learn, create connections, and gain business experience with the help of the business program and the directors. Through the program I will be able to connect with different businesses early on in my career and receive teaching and feedback on how to present myself to employers as well as how to advance my education and career. These are invaluable experiences for my education and my future as I pursue and navigate my career path. Other activities I have engaged in are Women in Business, Christian Service at the Flint Hills Breadbasket, and the peer mentor program with the Ellis Foundation. All of these activities are stimulating, enjoyable, and will help me become more well-rounded as a student, employee, and community member. I am eager to see where my education continues to lead me and how I can benefit others with my knowledge and heart to serve.

Ella Haight

Ella Haight

Hometown: Halstead, KS

Major: Management Information Systems

About me: “When I think of K-State, I think of home. Ever since my first college visit during my junior year, I get a “warm-fuzzy” feeling when it comes to being on campus. It is like I am meant to be here. The Menard Family Scholars Program will aid my endeavors in business through its exclusive opportunities to connect with companies, and many chances to learn about the University and the College of Business itself. So far, I have enjoyed meeting my peers and making connections that will last a lifetime. The Menard Family Scholars Program is full of opportunities, and I am grateful to be a part of it.”

Carter Henderson

Carter Henderson

Hometown: Overland Park, KS

Major: Finance

About me: “My future plans are to become a portfolio manager after graduating from K-State. I have been interested in stocks and finance because my dad is a financial advisor and got me started with investing since I was a kid. The Menard Family Scholars Program will benefit me in my career readiness and professionalism. I look forward to getting to experience the opportunities that this program has to offer. l live off-campus at DU with two of my brothers; one is my identical twin and the other is a junior. Some of my hobbies are playing soccer, golfing, hanging out with friends and family, playing poker, and watching sports and movies."

Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson

Hometown: Augusta, KS

Majors: Accounting

About me: "I chose K-State because of how close it is to home along with the superior quality of the business building and program. I look forward to the Menard Family Scholars Program and all the trips we will take, especially the trip to Wichita as it is so close to my home. I also look forward to the connections with influential business men and women that we will get the chance to make. So far K-State has been a wonderful experience and I can't wait to see what the campus and Menard Scholars Program have in store for me."

Sam Keene

Sam Keene

Hometown: Andover, KS

Major: Accounting

About me: “I ended up choosing K-State for many reasons - one being the culture. The K-State family is legit, and I've loved getting to be part of it so far. I'm thrilled to get to be part of the Menard Family Scholars Program because I know that it will give me unique opportunities and connections, helping me succeed as a business student. I am most excited for the trips that I will take with my cohort and the networking opportunities that those will bring. As a K-Stater I am also involved in Greek Life through Farmhouse Fraternity, Christian Challenge, and Intramural Sports. In my free time you can find me at K-State sporting events, watching sports on TV, or playing sports with my friends. I choose business because I am a competitive person and a lot of times the business world can be a competitive place. I love the thrill that the unknown brings and being challenged. I’m excited to see where the future takes me over these next 4 years at K-State. One thing I know is that as a College of Business student and a Menard Scholar I will be ready for whatever opportunities comes my way.”

Chloe Lamb

Chloe Lamb

Hometown: O’Fallon, Missouri

Major: Management Information Systems

Certificate: Data Analytics

About me:I am very blessed to be a member of the Menard Family Scholars Program. I am excited to experience the many opportunities that it has to offer within the College of Business, K-State as a whole, and beyond. The Program opens many doors through networking, connections, and first-hand exposure to the corporate world. My favorite thing about the program so far is the people: including my peers, our learning assistants, and the program director. Although all of the scholars do not share the same major, we all have a similar ambition and desire for greatness, and we all get along so well. Aside from Menard Scholars, so far, I am involved in Women in Business, Horticulture Club, St. Isidore’s, and I hope to join intramural sports. As an out-of-state student, Kansas State wasn’t always on my radar, but I knew after my first time stepping on campus that it is where I belong. I am so excited to be a Menard Scholar and cannot wait to see what the future holds at KSU and beyond!"

Kaleb Larson

Kaleb Larson

Hometown: Olathe, KS

Major: Accounting

Certificate: Data Analytics

About me: “I am very career driven by nature and I hope this helps me with my future aspiration of doing forensic accounting for the FBI. Naturally, it is a very long route that will require tremendous effort on my part; however, I am more than willing to put in the effort as I believe I have the skills necessary to succeed with it. I am very passionate about the difference I could make in this world if I do it. I have strong faith in the Menard Family Scholars Program as it already opened the door to valuable business opportunities that would have eluded me otherwise. I am looking forward to the future in the Menard Program as I know it will be pivotal to my professional development.”

Avery Linton

Avery Linton

Hometown: Arvada, CO

Major: Marketing

Certificate: Business of Sports and Entertainment

About me: “I am so grateful to be a student here at KSU. It’s a blessing to be on a campus with kind, welcoming students and professors who truly care about you and value your success. Everyone here is willing to help you find a great career and the number of resources available to us is unmatched. Being a part of the Menard Family Scholars Program has given me access to incredible opportunities that will advance my collegiate education and has granted me close friendships with other high-achieving students who love business. The networking events and trips that we get to take offer us an advantage within the business field and give us the opportunity to apply the skills we are learning in our classes to a real-life setting. Other than the Menard Family Scholars Program I am involved in the Honors Program, Christian Challenge, Honors House Hall Council, Women in Business, and Alpha Kappa Psi. Go Wildcats!”

Adela Lipari

Adela Lipari

Hometown: Stilwell, KS

Major: Management, Human Resources, and Pre-Law

Minors: Spanish and English

About me:Choosing K-State was a decision that came from the feeling I had every time I visited campus; the culture and environment on their own let me know I was meant to be a Wildcat. I learned about the Menard Family Scholars Program on a tour of the College of Business. I instantly felt like it would be an incredible opportunity to expand my understanding of the business world and open doors to connections I would’ve otherwise not had access to. The community of like-minded, driven students with a passion to learn and succeed is my favorite part about the Menard Program. There are so many incredible individuals who all inspire one another to work hard in our cohort, and I look forward to helping each other pursue success while also building long-lasting friendships. Outside of the Menard Program, I am involved in Women in Business and the University Honors Program. I also love running and being active.”

Matt Martucci

Matt Martucci

Hometown: Mission Hills, KS

Major: Finance

About me: “I am a student who is looking to connect with my peers and create a path forward for my future. I am excited for the Menard Family Scholars Program and I can't wait to experience and learn all I can from it! I am looking to get involved with the Student Finance Association and I am also a potential new member of Phi Delta Theta. I can't wait to get started with everything Manhattan has to offer!”

Jacob Mason

Jacob Mason

Hometown: Manhattan, KS

Majors: Accounting and Finance

About me: “Being a high achieving individual has always been particularly important to me, and a goal that I aspire toward as well. Being a part of the Menard Scholars was a perfect way to allow me to pursue that goal. The networking opportunities and insight that the program offers into other areas within the College of Business are paralleled by a marginal few other programs in the college. Along with the Menard Scholars, I am a member of Beta Alpha Psi and the Accounting CAT Community. Being in all of these programs has and will continue to provide a beautiful framework for networking and community. One day, I hope to become a successful accountant, and no matter what path I choose within that field, I know the skills that the Menard Family Scholars Program taught me will be invaluable in my journey”

Brynn Oneil

Brynn O'Neil

Hometown: Marysville, KS

Majors: Accounting and Finance

About me: “K-State has consistently been my top choice due to my deep-rooted connection as a lifelong Wildcat. The College of Business provides a wide range of programs, opportunities, and resources that I am appreciative to have access to. My enrollment in the Menard Family Scholars Program has provided me with a great cohort and already many connections with faculty and staff. I am excited to see the impact that my Menard Scholar experience will have on me, whether it’s through enriching trips, skill development, or extensive networking opportunities.”

Eliza Olson

Eliza Olson

Hometown: Omaha, NE

Major: Marketing

About me: “One of the reasons I decided to attend K-State was because I was fortunate enough to be accepted into the Menard Family Scholar Program. I was nervous about coming from out-of-state, but after meeting with professors, our program heads, and the peers in my cohort, I can without doubt say I truly feel at home. Everyone in the College of Business wants to see you succeed, and they have a lot of resources to help you open as many doors as possible. I am beyond excited to see where this year will take us, from going on trips to joining other organizations like Pi Sigma Epsilon, the University Honors Program, and WIB. Go Cats!”

Caden Parker

Caden Parker

Hometown: Waterville, KS

Major: Accounting

Minor: Leadership Studies

Certificate: Business of Sports and Entertainment

About me: “I have always been a small-town kid. I grew up in a town with a population just short of 500. I enjoyed playing sports and being involved in high school. I joined the Menard Scholars Program because it is a cohort of like-minded people who all want to advance in the business world. The program itself can help not only me, but the rest of my group members get a step-up in the College of Business and in the professional world. My favorite part about the Menard Scholars so far has been the connections I've made through the classes with the other members of the cohort.

I chose Kansas State because I've always grown-up a wildcat. My dad took me to all of the home football games as a kid and I always loved to see campus and be around the area. On campus I have joined the Econ Club, Beta Alpha Psi, a flag football team, and Quest Freshman Honorary. I would consider myself a motivated and aspiring individual who wants to make a difference in the world. Outside of business, I enjoy golfing, hanging out with friends, playing fantasy football, and photoshop.”

Vanier Family Business Administration Best of Kansas Scholarship winner

Quinton Pfaff

Quinton Pfaff

Hometown: Stilwell, KS

Major: Professional Strategic Selling

Minor: Entrepreneurship

Certificate: International Business

About me­­­: “I came to Kansas State University for the family atmosphere. The students here are always so welcoming and bring a good attitude to any occasion, from just saying hi while walking to class to cheering on K-State at football games. Starting off at college, I wanted to find people that were like-minded and would help encourage me to further develop my personal and professional goals. That's why I am grateful to be part of the Menard Family Scholars Program and to have the opportunity to be with a cohort that does just that. Immediately, I began creating close relationships with my peers and have continued to find ways to learn from everyone’s diverse perspectives. This program has given me a lot of time to grow my business and professionalism skills. The company visits during our trips and the guest speakers that speak with us will continue to give me opportunities to network and give me a head start in the College of Business.”

Samuel Ralston

Samuel Ralston

Hometown: Bel Aire, KS

Major: Finance

Certificate: International Trade

About me: “My name is Samuel Ralston, and I am freshman at K-State studying business finance hoping to take my knowledge that I gain at K-State overseas to help others. One of the major reasons I chose to go K-State is the community that was offered to me here. Firstly, I was given the opportunity to be part of the Menard Family Scholars Program. I knew that in this program, I would be surrounded by like-minded, high achieving students. While I am still getting to know my fellow students, I already feel like I have found a safe community within the Menard Program that wants to help me become the best version of myself. Additionally, I am connected to K-State Greek life at Farm House Fraternity. This has provided an outlet for my energy to meet new people. I hope to create a community at K-State with relationships that last a lifetime.”

Chase Ruda

Chase Ruda

Hometown: Branson, MO

Majors: Marketing and Finance

About me: “As a kid from Missouri, Kansas State is not the normal path, yet growing up rooting for a team makes it difficult to go anywhere else. I looked at a few other schools, but my heart has always been at K-State. One of the main reasons for me having two majors is becuase it gives me options in the future. Here at K-State I am a part of Pi Sigma Epsilon in conjunction with being a Menard Scholar.

I look forward to the Menard Scholars Program because of the opportunities it will provide. Specifically, the chance to learn from business professionals on their home turf. I also look forward to the community I hope to find with my fellow Scholars as we all learn and grow together. I believe that being a Menard Scholar will be a valuable use of my time, even if a job does not come directly from a connection I make in the program. One can never have too much experience in a professional setting. I am overall very excited to be a part of the Menard Family Scholars Program and all of the experiences that will come with it.”

Sophie Schumacher

Sophie Schumacher

Hometown: Seneca, KS

Major: Marketing

Minor: Advertising

About me: “I was born in Manhattan but most recently have called Seneca, KS home. I believe being a Menard Scholar will be beneficial to me because of all the great opportunities it creates. I will be able to go on trips and gain first-hand experience in big corporations. I will also be able to create a strong network of people who will hopefully be able to help me achieve my future goals.

After I graduate, I would love to return to Seneca, as I absolutely love the small-town atmosphere. I appreciate the work that smaller, local businesses do and would love to include myself into their mission. I could very well see myself sticking to Manhattan and finding a wonderful job here as well. I chose my pathway because I absolutely love creating and coming up with new ideas and visuals. Whether I’m designing, writing, or making art, creating is my all-time favorite pass-time. Marketing and advertising are kind of the creative side of business and that really appeals to me. I would describe myself as very family/friend-oriented, organized, hard-working, humorous, and creative. I am so looking forward to what the Menard Family Scholars Program has to offer me and to make some great connections along the way.”

Dalton Smithson

Dalton Smithson

Hometown: Wamego, KS

Major: Finance

About me:I chose K-State as it has a great business program, and because of how close it is to home. I have always grown up supporting the K-State sports teams and thought it would be the best fit for my goals for the future. Currently, my plan is to graduate with a bachelor's degree in finance, but I hope to attend graduate school to acquire my MBA directly after. Besides school, I enjoy reading, playing disc golf, playing the trumpet in the K-State Marching Band, and hanging out with friends.

The Menard Family Scholars Program is an incredible opportunity to have, and I am grateful to have been accepted into the program. This year I am excited to go on the trips, as they will give me insight on careers and opportunities with a vast array of businesses. They will also allow me to see the styles of operation and the differences that make each company stand out. I am still not completely sure where I am headed after college, so these opportunities will greatly benefit my future endeavors. Currently I am striving to make strong connections with all the class speakers, my fellow cohort members, and later with all the businesses on the trips. So far, the greatest impact the program has had on me would be the dedication it has to its members and how much effort they put in to make sure we are on the path for success."

Will Stroud

Will Stroud

Hometown: Overland Park, KS

Major: Management

Minor: Entrepreneurship

About me: "I chose Kansas State because I loved the College of Business. I plan to create and run my own business that will have a positive effect on the community. I am very excited to grow closer with my Menard Scholar class and take advantage of all the great opportunities they will provide. I am also in the AKPsi Business fraternity, part of the Honors College, and Greek life. I want to get involved in a ton on campus and make new connections with people. I love to be in nature, ride dirt bikes, and play guitar. I am looking forward to the next 4 years at Kansas State!"

Elaina Tozier

Elaina Tozier

Hometown: Hesston, KS

Majors: Accounting and Finance

About me: “At K-State, everyone is family, which made the decision an easy one for me. Thanks to the Menard Family Scholars Program, I have the chance to make 25 new family members. Whether in class, on industry learning trips, or enjoying a friendly bowling competition, I know that all my fellow cohort members would do anything to support me. I’m excited to get to know every single one of them on a personal level and learn what motivates them to become the next business leaders of tomorrow.”

Grant Waite

Grant Waite

Hometown: Abilene, KS

Major: Entrepreneurship and Innovation

About me: “I am very excited to be a part of the Menard Family Scholars Program and all that it entails. I am looking to grow my circle of influence and meet many business professionals and mentors along the way. I am hoping to meet a business that will one day offer me an internship that will eventually lead to a career. I heard about the Program from a friend who was in last years cohort, and she told me about how wonderful of an opportunity it was. I was born here in Manhattan and have always wanted to come to Kansas State University for college. I am very excited for what this year entails and am ready to become a Menard Scholar and a wildcat. I am also doing intramurals such as flag football and basketball.”

Carter Watkins

Hometown: Parkville, MO

Major: Finance

About me: “I am excited to be a part of the Menard Family Scholars Program because of all the connections and relationships I will be able to build down the line. As of now I have already been able to connect with my peers in the program who all share the same mindset. Other groups that I am apart of include the K-State Student Investment Club, as well as the Student Finance Association. In the future I plan on moving to a big city to pursue financial opportunities in the field of investment banking.”