Accounting Faculty Research
Our Accounting faculty members are actively involved in a wide-range of research areas, using a diversity of methods that include archival, behavioral, experimental, and qualitative. Consistent with the land grant mission of Kansas State University, we have a particular commitment to accounting research that promotes the public interest.
Current accounting faculty members have published in highly-regarded, peer-reviewed journals including, among others:
- Accounting Organizations and Society
- Contemporary Accounting Research
- Accounting Horizons
- Accounting and the Public Interest
- Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory
- Behavioral Research in Accounting
- International Journal of Accounting Research
- Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance
- Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
- Journal of the American Taxation Association
- Journal of International Accounting Research
College of Business Administration
School of Accountancy
Brett Wilkinson
2139 Business Building
1301 Lovers Lane
Manhattan, KS 66506