International Trips

At Kansas State Accounting, we recognize the importance of International Experience. A short term study abroad gives our students the opportunity to experience a different culture and to learn through that experience without it impeding their progress through the Accounting program.

We offer our students a faculty led two week study abroad trip each May. In the past we have gone to Australia, Ireland, Mexico and China.


"Today’s business is global, and we provide our students the opportunity to learn first-hand about the challenges faced by international businesses. Our Master of Accountancy students had a phenomenal trip to Ireland where they learned from businesses, gained insights from Irish speakers, and immersed themselves in cultural experiences."

~Terry Mason, Associate Professor

Learn more about the Ireland International Experience.


"The International Study journey is a one-of-a-kind experience of a lifetime that some will not have another opportunity to take, take advantage of it now. The business and cultural experiences of being overseas were unforgettable and will forever have a place in your permanent memory!"

~Sheila Coomes, Instructor

Learn more about the Australia International Experience.


"Our trip to the Kansas City Southern de Mexico facility in Monterey, Mexico was such a great experience. During our time there, we got to see how things work inside and outside the office; not only did we learn about KC Southern de Mexico’s accounting processes, we also got to suit up in safety gear and spend some time in the yard. "

~ Sarah Mason, Instructor


“The international studies trip to China and the chance to experience life and businesses in Beijing and Shanghai was life-changing. From walking on the Great Wall of China, to touring the Lenovo facility, to experiencing new foods, businesses, and ways of life, our students had a chance to challenge themselves in a completely new environment and immerse themselves in a brand new culture."

~ Amy Hageman, Professor

Learn more about the China International Experience.