Welcome New Alumni!

Graduate and undergraduate ceremonies held

Graduation in 2022 looked a little different than graduation in 2021. The 2021 ceremony was held outside and followed social distancing protocols. Being outside in Kansas in May can begrad photos 2021 vs 2022 beautiful, but it can also be very wet. In 2021 on graduation day, it was very wet. An already small crowd was made smaller by the rain, but four graduates stood their ground to sing the alma mater at the end of the ceremony.

This year’s graduates enjoyed a more typical graduation observance indoors, without social distancing. We are very proud of the perseverance shown by our graduates. College is full of challenges in “normal” years, and to endure the rigors of a college education during a pandemic is nothing short of phenomenal.

During the ceremony, College of Business graduates heard from 2022 CBA Student a quigley a demott Commencement Speaker, Abby Quigley. Abby graduated with a bachelor’s degree in finance. She is moving to Dallas, Texas, to begin a career with Accenture in the Consulting Development Program.

Another graduate, Allyson Demott, was recognized as the recipient of the Spring 2022 Outstanding Senior Award. Allyson received her bachelor’s degree in management and will start her career in Manhattan.

Dean Kevin Gwinner also recognized Dean of Student Life Outstanding Graduating Senior Award recipients:

Cameron Koger

Vedant Kulkarni

Natalie Moyer

Matthew Swords

Vedant was also recognized as the recipient of the following:

  • Michael E. Brown Alpha Tau Omega Mortar Board Leadership Scholarship
  • K-State Alumni Association Anderson Senior Award for Outstanding Inspiration
  • K-State Alumni Association International Leadership Award

koger, kulkarni, moyer, swords

Dean Gwinner also recognized the following College of Business staff and faculty:

Congratulations to all graduates! We know your stories aren’t over, and we look forward to sharing them with the world.

Graduate commencement ceremony photos are available here.

Undergraduate photos are available here.

Graduate brunch photos are available here.

Undergraduate brunch photos are available here.