Greg Case '85 Named Alumni Fellow

This spring, the College of Business was honored to host 2022 Alumni Fellow, Mr. Greg Case. He earned a degree in finance from K-State in 1985, and subsequently an MBA from Harvard Business. Mr. Case is the CEO of Aon, a leading global professional services firm providing a broad range of risk, retirement, and health solutions. Mr. Case is a member of the College’s Business Advisory Council, where he serves on the Executive Committee.

In addition to attending the Alumni Fellows Reception and Banquet during his visit, Mr. Case also spoke in Professor Eric Higgins’ Security and Portfolio Analysis class.

In an article published by the K-State Alumni Associationheadshot of greg case earlier this spring, Mr. Case reflects on his time at K-State, “My time at
K-State was invaluable in shaping my career. From both an educational and social perspective, the experience was important in countless ways. In particular, K-State reinforced and instilled the importance of delivering meaningful impact in whatever you chose to pursue and doing so in a manner grounded in values.
The environment also instilled the critical need to understand the community around you and to accept the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of individuals you encounter. Life is a team game.”

College of Business Dean Kevin Gwinner said, “Greg is involved in the life of the college and focuses on discovering how best he can help our students. He has hosted students traveling abroad at Aon’s corporate headquarters in London, he comes to campus throughout the year to educate and engage with students and faculty, and he encourages those with whom he interacts to be the best that they can be. He is a great inspiration to all of us at K-State. We are extremely proud of Greg Case and appreciative of all that he does for us. He is the epitome of an Alumni Fellow.”

The K-State Alumni Fellows Program began in 1983, and is sponsored by the K-State Alumni Association, the President’s Office, and the Dean’s Council.