Minor in Management Information Systems

K-State’s Management Information Systems (MIS) minor is designed for students who enjoy using technology to help solve business problems. Students will study technical, people, and organizational skills in equal parts. Although they learn about programming, very few become programmers. Instead, they integrate leading software, data analytics, and hardware systems in ways that further organizational strategies.

Required Courses (9 hours)

  • MIS 411: Business Programming Applications
    • Business-related object-oriented programming fundamentals used to enhance skills for problem solving and logical thinking. Focuses on class diagrams, and the utilization of programming languages for understanding and applying software development concepts. Prerequisite: MANGT 366
  • MIS 422: Business Database and SQL
    • Examination of database theory, design, implementation and the value of data to an organization. Study of structured query languages (SQL) including the definition and creation of database objects, manipulation of data stores including entry, modification, removal and extraction, and database programming fundamentals relevant to business and data analytics. Prerequisite: MANGT 366
  • MIS 433: ERP Project Planning and Implementation
    • Applications of enterprise systems with emphasis on ERP systems configuration, business process integration and hands-on project management. Prerequisite: MANGT 366

Elective Course Options (6 hours)

Choose 2 courses from the list below

  • MIS 555: Cloud Computing with Business Programming Applications (3)
  • MIS 566: Systems Analysis and Design (3)
  • MIS 665: Business Analytics and Data Mining (3)
  • MIS 670: Social Media Analytics and Web Mining (3)

Other Minor Requirements:

At least three of the five required courses must be completed at Kansas State University. Students must achieve a cumulative 2.50 GPA in all five courses to complete the minor. Prior permission is required from the College of Business Administration to take a class at another institution. Course pre-requisites may apply. See University Undergraduate Course Catalog for details.

Ready to sign up?

College of Business Administration

Student Success Center
1001 Business Building
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

Dean's Office
2019 Business Building
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

College of Business Hours
Monday - Thursday: 7:00 am - 10:00 pm 
Friday: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm 
Saturday: closed
Sunday: 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm