Minor in Management

The management minor is targeted toward non-management majors. Students in many academic disciplines need management and supervisory skills in order to advance in their chosen profession. Students will learn how to apply management concepts and principles to improve services, products, and operations within organizations across a wide array of industries.

Required Courses (6 or 9 hours)

  • MANGT 220: Principles of Management (non-business majors only)
    • Provides an introduction to the four basic managerial functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling and their application to today’s complex work environment. An emphasis is placed on the roles and responsibilities of managers that help them to successfully meet organizational objectives by effectively leading employees and optimizing processes.
  • MANGT 520: Organizational Behavior
    • Examination of psychological and sociological variables important in understanding individual motivation, group functioning, change, creativity, and leadership in organizations. Prerequisite: MANGT 220
  • MANGT 531: Human Resource Management
    • This course provides an overview of the human resource systems and processes needed to achieve organizational effectiveness and strategic success. All key functional areas including human resource planning, staffng, performance management, employee development, and compensation are addressed. Prerequisite: MANGT 220

Elective Course Options (6 or 9 hours)

Non-Business Majors - choose 2 courses from the list below
Business Non-Management Majors - choose 3 courses from the list below

  • MANGT 230: Business Law I (3)
  • MANGT 260: Workplace Dynamics and Organizational Culture (3)
  • MANGT 421: Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management (3)
  • MANGT 450: Non-Profit Management (3)
  • MANGT 497: Topics in Management (3)
  • MANGT 515: Managerial Consulting (3)
  • MANGT 523: Human Resources Analytics (3)
  • MANGT 525: Organizational Management and Data Analytics (3)
  • MANGT 530: Labor Relations and Negotiations (3)
  • MANGT 535: Employment Law (3)
  • MANGT 550: Organizational Training and Development (3)
  • MANGT 553: Business Project Management (3)
  • MANGT 590: International Management (3)
  • MANGT 623: Compensation and Performance Management (3)
  • MANGT 630: Sports Management (3)
  • MANGT 643: Organizational Staffing (3)

Other Minor Requirements:

At least three of the five required courses must be completed at Kansas State University. Students must achieve a cumulative 2.50 GPA in the five required courses to complete the minor. Prior permission is required from the College of Business Administration to take a class at another institution. Course pre-requisites may apply. See University Undergraduate Course Catalog for details.

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College of Business Administration

Student Success Center
1001 Business Building
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

Dean's Office
2019 Business Building
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

College of Business Hours
Monday - Thursday: 7:00 am - 10:00 pm 
Friday: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm 
Saturday: closed
Sunday: 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm