Professional MBA Curriculum
Curriculum courses within the professional MBA are eight weeks long. Classes start in January, March, June, August and October.
ACCTG 810- Foundations of Accounting (Fall term - Second 8 weeks)
ECON 815- Economic Analysis for Business (Summer term - 8 weeks)
FINAN 815- Foundations of Finance (Spring term - First 8 weeks)
GENBA 875- PMBA International Business Experience (term specifics are dependent on trip)
GENBA 890- Business Capstone (Fall/Spring terms - Second 8 weeks, Summer term - 8 weeks)
MANGT 810- Operations and Supply Chain Management (Fall term - First 8 weeks)
MANGT 820- Managing Organizational Behavior (Fall term - Second 8 weeks)
MANGT 860- Managing the Triple Bottom Line Business (Spring term - Second 8 weeks)
MANGT 880- Business Strategy (Fall term - First 8 weeks)
MIS 830- Business Intelligence and Storytelling in Cloud Environments (Spring term - Second 8 weeks)
MKTG 810-Marketing Concepts and Research (Spring term - First 8 weeks)
Elective - Graduate level 3 credit hours class approved by program director (term specifics are dependent on class selected)
K-State Graduate Programs Course Catalog
Example of Course Sequencing
- Fall 1 - MANGT 810. ACCTG 810
- Spring 1 - FINAN 815, MIS 830
- Summer 1 - ECON 815
- Fall 2 - Elective, MANGT 820
- Spring 2 - MKTG 810, MANGT 860
- Summer 2 - GENBA 875-International Experience
- Fall 3 - MANGT 880, GENBA 890
- Spring 1 - MKTG 810, MIS 830
- Summer 1 - ECON 815
- Fall 1 - MANGT 810, ACCTG 810
- Spring 2 - FINAN 815, MANGT 860
- Summer 2 - Elective
- Fall 2 - MANGT 880, MANGT 820
- Spring 3 - GENBA 875-International Experience, GENBA 890
- Fall
- LEAD 701 - Foundations of Leadership (1st half of semester)
- MIS 665 - Business Analytics and Data Mining (full semester)
- MANGT 890 - International Management (1st half of semester)
- ACCTG 856 - Accounting Analytics (2nd half of semester)
- ENTRP 825 - Strategic Innovation (2nd half of semester)
- Spring
- MKTG 844 - Advanced International Marketing (1st half of semester)
- MANGT 662 - Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Design (full semester)
- FINAN 798 - Topics in Finance (1st half of semester)
- MIS 665 - Business Analytics and Data Mining (full semester)
- Summer
- ACCTG 855 - Financial Statement Analysis and Business Valuation
- MKTG 880 - Applied Marketing Analytics
- LEAD 701 - Foundations of Leadership
- Fall
College of Business Administration
Graduate Programs
Suzy Auten
Director, PMBA Program