John Kuenzi

John Kuenzi

What was something you learned at K-State that you still use to run your business today?

At KSU I learned a great deal.

  • How to network and get along with people that are different with me.
  • How to critically think about problems.
  • How to manage my time.
  • Law (both Philosophical and practical)
  • Food Science and Details around food safety and plant management.
  • How to sell myself
  • How to be comfortable being uncomfortable.
  • The basics of design
  • How to write and research
  • How to lead.

What inspires you?

Passion in pursuit of a lofty goal. I love the Daniel H. Burham quote, "Make no little plans, they have no passion to inspire mens blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans... knowing that a noble and logical diagram once recorded shall not die." My faith inspires me as well. It also gives me permission to fail and to try things with the right framework and mindset. It's not about me. My wife and family. My parents as well. My parents started two businesses themselves so it's kind of in the blood. I find almost everything has elements of inspiration if you look for it with fresh eyes.

If you could give a new entrepreneur one piece of advice, what would it be?

Hmm. Just one? I can't do just one. I would say three simple ideas. 1. Survival is winning. Not everyone is up for being an Entrepreneur but if you are then know that. 2. The best way to survive is to not quit. Sounds simple but quiting is the easiest thing anyone can do. 3. Don't undervalue your unique capabilities. In other words, believe in yourself even when everyone else doesn't.