Janis Crow

College of Business Administration
Department of Marketing

Office: 4036 Business Building

Janis Crow

Mailing Address: 2092 Business Building
1301 Lovers Lane
Manhattan, KS 66506
E-mail: jcrow@k-state.edu


Ph D, Kansas State University, 2006.
Major: Cognitive and Human Factors Psychology
Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Judgement and Decision Making

MS, Kansas State University, 2000.
Major: Cognitive and Human Factors of Psychology
Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Judgement and Decision Making

BS, Kansas State University, 1990.
Major: Business Administration
Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Marketing

Areas of Teaching

Consumer Behavior
Relationship Marketing
Data Narratives and Visualization
Marketing Strategy

Areas of Research

Decision making processes, customization, choice models, human-computer interaction, and electronic marketing

Published In

Contemporary Psychology, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, and Online Consumer Psychology: Understanding and Influencing Behavior in the Virtual World

Research in Progress

Decision strategies for undefined alternatives, impact of customization on buyer/seller relationships, and the influence technology on choice processes