K-State Society for Human Resource Management

K-State SHRM serves as a bridge between the academic and professional Human Resource communities. We seek to bring together students in HR related disciplines and provide them with professional views of current Human Resource practices through professional speakers, networking, experience, and advice.

Spring 2024 Meeting Dates and Times:

All at 6:00 PM in BB 2101

Tuesday, February 6

Tuesday, February 20

Tuesday, March 5

Tuesday, March 26

Tuesday, April 9

Tuesday, April 23

Students can join at any point in the year

Requirements for Membership

Membership is open to all Kansas State University students who have an interest in the field of Human Resource Management. To be considered a member, students are required to pay chapter dues of $15 each semester. Dues are used to help fund professional development and other opportunities for SHRM members.

Contact Us

President: Keegan Byrne keegan13@ksu.edu

Vice President: Allison Oberle oberlall000@ksu.edu

Communications Director: Avery Liby averyl@ksu.edu

Treasurer: Janelle Bergkamp jbergkamp12@ksu.edu

Recruitment Director: Madi Schnacker madischnacker@ksu.edu

Community Relations Director: Madison Puetz madisonpuetz@ksu.edu

Secretary: Emily Gregg eegregg@ksu.edu


Society for Human Resources Management

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