College of Business Dividends newsletter
The Dividends newsletter is designed to give you a quick look into what is happening in the College of Business. You can look forward to stories of success and inspiration as well as articles about important research in each issue.
Alumni Feature: Katelyn Mullen
Accounting Scholarship Gala Awards More Than $433,000
Nearly 180 students received at least one scholarship during the 2023 Accounting Scholarship and Awards Gala this spring. In addtion to the announcement of scholarships, Mark Lacy was inducted into the Kansas State University Department of Accounting Hall of Fame.
Students Place Third in Deloitt Audit National Competition
Congratulations to (from left) Julianna Poe, Riley Jacobson, Michelle Olberding, Blake Steele, Brent Thein, and Ashley Hammes for their third place finish in the Deloitte Audit Innovation Campus Challenge. The final round of the event took place this spring at Deloitte University in Westlake, Texas.